vrijdag 1 augustus 2014

Toekomst, ik kan je bijna proeven

Eerst, nieuws over het eerste synthetische (semi-synthetisch als ik het goed begrijp) blad dat volledige fotosynthese reproduceert:


Als dat niet genoeg is om verschillende toekomstscenario's te laten opbloeien is microgolf aandrijving voor de derde keer geverifieerd (let ook op onderhuidse "Chinezen nooit te vertrouwen" sfeer).

British scientist Roger Shawyer has been trying to interest people in his EmDrive for some years through his company SPR Ltd. Shawyer claims the EmDrive converts electric power into thrust, without the need for any propellant by bouncing microwaves around in a closed container. He has built a number of demonstration systems, but critics reject his relativity-based theory and insist that, according to the law of conservation of momentum, it cannot work. 
 Volgens Wired heeft NASA zijn eigen tests gedaan waarna de poëzie van geesten en anti-deeltjes weer opduikt:

"Test results indicate that the RF resonant cavity thruster design, which is unique as an electric propulsion device, is producing a force that is not attributable to any classical electromagnetic phenomenon and therefore is potentially demonstrating an interaction with the quantum vacuum virtual plasma."

This last line implies that the drive may work by pushing against the ghostly cloud of particles and anti-particles that are constantly popping into being and disappearing again in empty space.

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