zaterdag 7 februari 2015

Een nieuw soort club?

Dit artikel in DJ Broadcast, 'Higher States: What is the meditative nightclub?', verbaasde me enigszins:
Working in collaboration with creative technology company rehabstudio (, Chavez’s aim was to ‘create a highly conceptual interpretation of a futuristic nightclub that comes alive through the phenomenon of biofeedback,’ and so wearing EEG headsets, she guides guests through a meditation session in which their cerebral activity is translated into a mesmerising audio-visual display. She explains, ‘the headset reads brainwaves and, via bluetooth, transmits a custom-coded signal to the audio-visual system. Since the signal’s frequency and strength mirrors the participant’s brainwave activity, the intensity and register of the colour and sound emitted by the system varies as well. As a result, each audio-visual ‘set’ is unique to the person wearing the headset.’ So through considered contemplation and calm focus, one person is able to transform the experience of everyone else, or as Tim Rodgers of rehabstudio puts it, ‘control the club with their minds’.
Al was het omdat ik in de De Toekomst Hervonden in deze richting speculeer wanneer ik probeer na te denken over een alternatief voor het rigide ritueel van de club en het dansfeest. Het bovenstaande voorbeeld is wel erg mid-jaren '90 new age-stijl. Wat niet uitmaakt, elke poging is toe te juichen. Ik dacht zelf alleen meer in de richting van een alternatief op de openingsscène van A Clockwork Orange.

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