Mastodon designing futures where nothing will occur

maandag 6 januari 2025

The 21st Century Hasn’t Started Yet

Having had more time to think about that, I would say that something happened to, us as a culture, in the early to mid-1990s. This is something very well expressed in my friend John Higgs’ book about the KLF — it’s called The KLF: Chaos, Magic & The Band Who Burned A Million Quid. It’s a brilliant insight into what was happening during that time, and I’m not just saying that because it does have a very beautiful and windswept image of me in it somewhere. Jimmy and Bill were terrific. John is pointing out in his book that when they left that dead sheep on the steps of the Brit Awards and announced the KLF had left the music industry and deleted their back catalogue — which, incidentally, cost them a great deal more than a million quid — this was around about 1990. That was signalling the end of rave and dance, yes it would still trail on for a while after that but it was pretty much over.

     The 21st Century Hasn’t Started Yet: An Interview With Alan Moore (2016)

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